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Science professional development re-imagined

for the next generation of science educators.




What is NGSX?

NGSX is an innovative PD environment composed of powerful learning pathways. Pathways involve face-to-face work in a study group and a multi-faceted web-based environment that supports the use of high leverage tools, tasks, and resources central to understanding classroom changes needed to support NGSS and the K-12 Framework.


Participants Completed

Over 16,000 participants have completed an NGSX professional learning pathway.

Our Impact


States Involved

Participants across 29 different states have participated in NGSX programs, partnerships & research.


Educational Leaders

Over 1600 administrators and other educational leaders have completed a specialized learning pathway

The NGSX Experience

"The best part about this experience is how real it is. This isn't a curriculum being sold by a company. It is real teachers with real students and real struggles. It is so empowering to see this in action and be a part of the process with other teachers who will do the same."

                                         - K-12 Teacher​


"This PD provided a model of NGSS in action. We are moving from hearing about the standards to what it look like in the classrooms."

                                         - Educational Leader


"Every experience that I have had with NGSX professional learning has been very meaningful. It is very apparent that the training has been well thought out and planned. It is also very apparent that the facilitators have a very good understanding of what 3 D instruction looks like."

                                         - Educational Leader


"I have been to and led SO many PDs that try to get to the what schools might, and should be doing in science that is similar to actual research on an academic level. The NGSX/ LWT work has been the best."

                                         - K-12 Teacher


"This was a great experience for me as an ESL coach who will be supporting co- teaching of ESL/bio classroom. I am really beginning to understand the process and philosophy of NGSX, which is so equitable and culturally responsive.  It will really help me work with the teachers, but also administrators to understand how this 3D learning serves all students."

                                         - K-12 Teacher

NGSX Projects and Partners

MiSTEM Network



Michigan business, education, and community partners came together to create a MiSTEM Network throughout the state. NGSX is working with MiSTEM districts to develop a Facilitator Network as a key component in the partnership between MiSTEM and NGSX, and in supporting the goals of the MiSTEM state-based network. 


State of Delaware Department of Education  


(2018 - Ongoing)


Through its Department of Education and with the leadership of State Science Associate, Tonyea Mead, NGSX has been partnering with Delaware to develop and pilot new pathway projects.  Likewise, through this partnership, Delaware has developed a cadre of science teacher leaders that are now facilitating many NGSX study groups throughout the state. â€‹


NGSX Prototype and Pilot



Development and test of the beta version of the NGSX Modeling Matter pathway with teacher study groups from 9 states: Arkansas, California, Illinois, Oregon, Michigan, Washington, Minnesota, Vermont, and Wisconsin.


National Science Foundation 1251611


Illinois ISTEM MSP Program



NGSX national facilitators worked with 24 Area Teacher Leaders in a 10 day workshop in June 2015 to prepare them to facilitate NGSX study groups. The 24 ATLs led 22 Introduction to Three Dimensional Learning 9 day study groups at  11 regional partnerships across the state. A total of 420 teachers completed the study groups across the 11 partnerships.


Arizona Science Teachers Association

(2023 - Ongoing)


Arizona has partnered with NGSX to build local capacity for NGSS aligned science teaching and learning. Through the support and leadership of Sara Torres, Executive Director of ASTA, Arizona has a cadre of NGSX facilitators who are now leading pathways for 400 K-12 teachers across the state. 


Connecticut New Terrain



NGSX professional development of campus hubs of collaborating K-12 teachers and College faculty; NGSX support for teams of K-12 teachers and college faculty developing science units exemplifying three-dimensional learning; NGSX support for college faculty redesigning teacher education classes to prepare K-12 teachers for teaching with science practices.

Hiatt Center image for NGSX public site.

Hiatt Center for Urban Education at Clark University



With funding from the Hiatt Center for Urban Education at Clark University, the NGSX team has had the support of a grants coordinator to assist with grant submissions, along with meeting space on Clark’s campus for NGSX researchers.  For 2020-21, the Hiatt Center is also helping  support the NGSX Learning Lab --- a community of multi-lingual undergraduate researchers creating video cases to support NGSX professional learning for urban teachers.


Michigan Teachers Engaging in Science Leadership Activities 



With funding from the state of Michigan Department of Education, The Michigan Mathematics and Science Resource Centers Network is coordinating the development of 80 teacher leaders, who are conducting NGSX study groups across the state of Michigan. Michigan TESLA funds are also being used to design a pathway for Michigan elementary teachers.


Maryland State Department of Education

(2024 - Ongoing)


Through its Department of Education and with the leadership of MSDE Director of Science, Zachary Carey, NGSX has been partnering with Maryland to develop and pilot new pathway projects. We recently collaborated on Elementary Science Learning Labs for LEAs in Howard County, Prince George's County, and Washington County. Through these, educational leaders came together to reimagine the vision of PK-5 science in Maryland 

 The Philip D Black &

 Brigitte L Sandquist   Foundation 

(2021 - Ongoing)


As a member of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Black and Sandquist Foundation has provided critical support for the Oceans, Climate Science & Big Data (OCSBD) Pathway. This NGSX pathway reflects a major step forward in providing an opportunity for pathway participants to work with digital tools that can be taken back to their classrooms, especially to support students' work with big data focused on the interaction between oceans and climate. In addition the Black and Sandquist Foundation has created a scholarship fund for teachers to enable participation in the OCSBD pathway. NGSX is exceedingly grateful for this generous support.




Vermont Capacity Building



The NGSX Learning System has been used in Vermont to prepare teacher leaders who will facilitate K-12 teacher study groups across the state. The goal of this statewide work is to build a a cadre of science education leaders across Vermont who can serve as facilitators of the knowledge-building processes reflected in NGSX. NGSX continues to serve as a primary professional development framework, helping Vermont go to scale with NGSS.


Connecticut ASSENT



With funding from the CT Math Science Partnership, under the leadership of the Connecticut Science Center, study groups are underway to develop state NGSS leaders who are facilitating NGSX Introduction to Three Dimensional Learning Study Groups across Connecticut.

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